Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
This month we will be focusing on Guest Etiquette.
Dos and Don’ts, as a guest, during the ceremony/reception.
Step 1: An open bar is not a “free pass” to drink in excess. Sure the bride and groom want you to enjoy yourself, however, there is a time and a place to be extremely inebriated. The last thing the happy couple wants to worry about is you getting home safely or ruining their special day.
Most venues have strict rules about not serving shots and liquor in general during dinner service or after a certain time. Eat, drink and be merry but be able to get home safely.
Step 2: Don’t be a wallflower.
There is no reason to stay seated or posted up at the bar all night. Get up, get out and dance! Trust me nobody is paying attention to you and your ability, or lack thereof, to bust a move. When all else fails, ask you date, to slow dance.
Step 3: Don’t be offended if you only get a chance to talk to the bride and groom for a few minutes.
The happy couple need to ensure all guests are greeted and thanked for being in attendance. Their time is limited and ultimately want to spend time enjoying their reception too. You may be the bride’s best friend from work, however, anticipate spending 5 minutes or less in 1-on-1 time.
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