Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Are you having trouble finding the answers to your wedding questions? This month we will be answering the questions that we get the most from you OUR VIEWERS!
There are never stupid questions to ask us when it comes to planning your wedding. If we didn’t get around to your question this week, don’t stress it, we will be doing this segment all month long! We are professionals for a reason, so we have more than likely dealt with this question or problem in the past. Don’t go into your big day with unanswered questions and uncertainty.
“When Should I Book My Vendors / Venue”
We here at Wenning Entertainment know that it can be super challenging to know what the time frame is for planning a wedding. You’ve never done this before, or you have and it’s been so long that you don’t know all of the changes to the system yet. Wedding vendors and venues can book for as far as 2 to 3 YEARS in advance. Don’t have that much time to plan ahead?
No worries! The following is a good rule to go by. Once you pick a date for your wedding, pick your venue and book your professional vendors. This includes photographers, videographers, DJs and the like. The farther in advance you book these services, the less you’ll have to stress about when you are planning the rest of your wedding.
“Where Should I Cut Costs In My Wedding?”
Another great rule of thumb that we recommend is to think of what your guests will actually remember from your wedding. People will remember how great you food was and how fun your reception is. So, those are the areas where you wouldn’t want to skimp. DJs, photographers, and catering are all components that make a wedding memorable.
On the other hand, most people don’t remember the finer details of the flower arrangements. Flowers are pretty! And thats just as much of an opinion people have on them. So, save money on those little things like flowers and spend the real money on what will make everyone have a great time.
“How Do I Plan For Bad Weather?”
We all wish we could control the weather but unfortunately most of us lack that super power. So, how do you plan for bad weather? By being as prepared as you can be with back up plans. If you are planning a beautiful outdoor ceremony or reception, make sure you consider the following things.
Does the venue have options for an indoor or secondary space? Should you rent a tent? Can you utilize an indoor aspect of your wedding to go to instead, i.e. the reception space? Try to plan for the worst while hoping for the best and you will be ready for anything that the elements throw at you.
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To see our most recent blog post, click here: https://www.wenningent.com/viewer-questions-part-1/
Published Date: March 11, 2020
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