Prepare for Your First Wedding Expo

One of the best parts about attending a wedding expo show is that it’s for those newly engaged couples in the early stages of the planning process. That means you don’t have to have a hardcore game plan for anything yet! That being said, it is still a good idea to prepare a basic framework of what you are looking for.

How to Prepare

The most important thing you walk into a wedding expo show with is a finalized budget. There will be so many great vendors to meet, and it’s fun to talk to all of them, but odds are some that you love will not be in your price range. Rather than spending all of your time at the most expensive booths, take a look around and find the ones that fit your budget.

It’s also a great idea to create a list of must-haves and could-live-withouts. Most couples do not have the budget to get every element of their wedding provided for them by vendors. So make a list of must-have vendors, like your entertainment, catering, and photographers. And make a list of vendors that would be nice to have, but you can live without (we’re looking at you, fancy table arrangement booth).

And make sure you bring a folder. These booths will give out a lot of informational pamphlets and booklets. This information will be extremely valuable to you and your partner when sitting down to decide what styles of vendors you prefer to keep it all organized. For even further organization, have one side of the folder for the vendors that really stood out to you and the other side for the rest. There will be so much going on, and you won’t remember every detail so it’s helpful to keep the standouts separate.

Check back here next week for our top tips for attending wedding expo shows and learn how to make the most of your trip!

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Preparing for Your First Wedding Expo

One of the coolest parts of your wedding planning process is going to all those cool wedding places you’ve always heard about but never been to. Wedding expo shows are one of these places. But, these shows can be overwhelming if you’ve never been to one before. And it’s helpful to know someone who’s been to one before. Preparing for your first wedding expo can seem like a challenge. That’s why this month, we give you our best wedding expo show tips and tricks. We will make sure you get the most out of your time.

What is a Wedding Expo Show?

A wedding expo is mainly for newly engaged couples or couples who are in the early stages of their wedding planning process. It is like a department store for wedding vendors. Everyone from local venues to bridal shops has booths and a lot of information to get you the right services for your big day.

What to Know Before You Go

With that in mind, these expos can be very overwhelming. It is helpful to go in with a budget and a solid list of “must-haves” and “could-live-without.” These shows are fun places to meander around to see all your options. Nailing down a budget will keep you on track while having fun going through the rows of wedding vendors. Go in with an open mind and a realistic budget. That way, you and your partner will have a great time.


Preparing for wedding expos can be overwhelming. Make sure to check back here next week for our top tips for attending wedding expo shows and learn how to make the most of your trip!


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