Does Your Top Pick Live Too Far Away?

The minute you get engaged you might already have someone in mind to be your best man or maid of honor.  It happens all the time.  You make a pact with your roommate from college or your childhood best friend to choose each other for those big roles but then life happens.  People move out of state and you have to ask yourself: do they live too far away?

Is Your First Choice Too Far Away?

Whenever talking about who your best man and maid or matron of honor is, it’s best to pick someone local.  Generally, for all of the responsibility and jobs they do, an out of state maid of honor or best man is just too far away. For example; if you’re planning a wedding in Pittsburgh and your first choice for the job lives in Florida or California, it will be very hard for them to plan all the different aspects locally while they live out of state.


Also, when you are choosing who is going to have this big role in your wedding you have to consider that everyone has their own lives going on too.  Things are going to be more difficult for them to venture off and plan when they aren’t in the same state as the vendors they are trying to coordinate with.  So be cautious when choosing a person that lives out of state. Think about the planning process for the wedding shower or the bachelor and bachelorette parties. It makes the job so much easier to tackle when you are in the same city you’re planning the event in. 

Consider Their Needs As Well!

Those people who do live out of state though do not have to be completely excluded! Whether its as a guest or another member of the bridal party, there are more ways than one to make your loved ones feel included in the wedding without overwhelming them. Maids of Honor and Best Men have so many extra duties that they are required to do.  Make things easier on yourself and your loved ones by picking someone convenient.


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How To Choose Your Maid of Honor or Best Man

Wedding planning can be such a fun and unique experience if you have the right support system.  Organizing bach parties, coming up with fun themes and having all of your friends and family come together are some of the best parts about a wedding!  However, this can turn sour if you don’t have the right Maid of Honor or Best Man at your side to help you with everything.

How to Choose?

There is a lot of responsibility wrapped up in being a Maid of Honor or Best Man.  It truly isn’t a popularity contest. You want to make sure that whoever you put in the position of Best Man or Maid of Honor are the ones that are the most responsible. We see this all the time! People put their party animal friends in place of someone accountable.  Sure you have this crazy shared experience hangover style with Rob but will Rob black out during the reception? You love them and maybe the party animal friend will make a great groomsmen, but you have to ask yourself: do I trust them to be responsible?

What Makes A Great Maid of Honor or Best Man?

If you are new to wedding planning, a maid of honor or a best man has a lot of responsibility.  Between planning and organization and a whole mess of other financial obligations.  The planning process with the right maid of honor or best man will be a fun and fantastic time! But, if you pick the wrong one, the added stress will be nothing to joke about. The best person for the job is that reliable “mom” friend of the group.  The one that is financially stable and always shows up on time.   Make sure whoever you pick can live up to the expectations of that high title! 

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How Many Bridesmaids Do You Really Need?

Getting engaged is so exciting!  That excitement can lead to making snap decisions about important points of your wedding early on.  Take for example: picking your bridal party.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting as many bridesmaids or groomsmen as you can fit because you want everyone to be included, but that’s not always the best idea.

Be Selective When Choosing Your Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

When talking about wedding party etiquette you need to keep in mind the good old fashioned K.I.S.S. rule.  Keep It Simple Stupid! You want to keep the people that are closest to you part of your big day.  Not everybody you consider a friend needs to make the cut.  Sure you were really close with your college roommate four years ago but have you talked since?

Theres a reason why the people who are currently the closest to you are the best ones to add to a bridal party.  They know who you are now.  They know your likes and you dislikes best.  These are the people that you want to give the responsibility of being in the bridal party.

What Is Normal?

You don’t need two dozen people at your bridal party.  When it comes down to it, thats just more people to corral on the day of your wedding. The average bridal party these days is between four and six people for the bride and the groom.  So keep it simple! You do not want to be stressed on your wedding day by Joe-haven’t-seen-him-in-years because he’s by the bar instead of taking pictures with the rest of the bridal party.

You have so many things to stress over on your wedding day as it is.  Don’t let your bridal party become one of them! 


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Wedding Party Expectations

Summer is in full swing now and the wedding boom is on. Due to the past years restrictions on social engagements, couples all over are eager to get out and get married. Whether you’re one of those couples or a close friend of one, one thing is for sure: it’s going to be a busy summer! And with business comes a lot of expectations from the wedding party.

To help you navigate through post covid event planning you’ll need help.  That’s why this whole month we’re going to be discussing the ones who help you the most: your wedding party. 

Figure Out Your Wedding Party Expectations

From the moment you choose those people, to the execution of their duties you have to be transparent with them on your expectations. Whenever you’re choosing the people who are going to be a part of the most important day of your life you have to make sure they understand the financial obligations that they are committing themselves to. For example, it is best to put together a simple word document.  This will explain every single item that they’re going to be responsible for in an easy to reference document. 

You might want them to be responsible for all kinds of things. The dress, for the bridal party shower, and anything else for the bachelorette and bachelor party nights adds up.  So having their obligations mapped out in advance will help them to know, going into the night, if they can even afford it. 

According to tradition, if they can’t afford what you’re asking of them, that financial responsibility then falls to the best man or the maid of honor.  That spells for frustration on their part because they are picking up everyone else’s slack.  The best way to avoid tension is to be upfront about your expectations from the jump.

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